
-  金字塔客服中心 - 专业程序化交易软件提供商  (
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----  金字塔的共享行情数据介绍  (

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2010/1/28 0:35:02
--  金字塔的共享行情数据介绍



首先创建一个名为 QuoteBC.ini 的文本文件,存放于金字塔安装目录下的Setting目录.






[Server]  表示属于服务器端组功能

Broadcast 为数据开关,为1表示开启服务器的UDP数据广播,为0表示关闭

BroadcastIP 为服务器端定向发送的客户端IP地址,若不填则表示为所有局域网的客户发送

BroadcastPort 为服务器为指定端口发送的数据包,默认为7855端口






局域网的客户端默认的接收端口是7855,若需要改动接口,创建一个名为 QuoteBC.ini 的文本文件,存放于金字塔安装目录下的Setting目录.









#define  STKLABEL_LEN   10   // 股号数据长度,国内市场股号编码兼容钱龙
#define  STKNAME_LEN    32   // 股名长度

#pragma pack( push, 1 )

typedef struct
 time_t m_time;          // 成交时间
 WORD m_wMarket;         // 股票市场类型
 char m_szLabel[STKLABEL_LEN];     // 股票代码,以\'\\0\'结尾
 char m_szName[STKNAME_LEN];      // 股票名称,以\'\\0\'结尾
 float m_fLastJS;         // 昨结算
 float m_fLastClose;        // 昨收
 float m_fOpen;         // 今开
 float m_fHigh;         // 最高
 float m_fLow;          // 最低
 float m_fNewPrice;        // 最新
 float m_fVolume;         // 成交量
 float m_fAmount;         // 成交额
 float m_fNewJS;         // 当前结算
 float m_fOI;          // 持仓量
 float m_upperLimitPrice;       // 涨停板
 float m_lowerLimitPrice;       // 跌停板
 BYTE m_bMainReport;        // 是否主力和约
 BYTE m_nFlag1;         // 标志1
 BYTE m_nFlag2;         // 标志2
 BYTE m_nReserve[1];
 float m_fPrvOI;         // 昨持仓
 float m_fBuyPrice[3];        // 申买价1,2,3
 float m_fBuyVolume[3];       // 申买量1,2,3
 float m_fSellPrice[3];       // 申卖价1,2,3
 float m_fSellVolume[3];       // 申卖量1,2,3
 float m_fBuyPrice4;        // 申买价4
 float m_fBuyVolume4;        // 申买量4
 float m_fSellPrice4;        // 申卖价4
 float m_fSellVolume4;        // 申卖量4
 float m_fBuyPrice5;        // 申买价5
 float m_fBuyVolume5;        // 申买量5
 float m_fSellPrice5;        // 申卖价5
 float m_fSellVolume5;        // 申卖量5

 float m_fBuyPrice6;        // 申买价6
 float m_fBuyVolume6;        // 申买量6
 float m_fSellPrice6;        // 申卖价6
 float m_fSellVolume6;        // 申卖量6
 float m_fBuyPrice7;        // 申买价7
 float m_fBuyVolume7;        // 申买量7
 float m_fSellPrice7;        // 申卖价7
 float m_fSellVolume7;        // 申卖量7
 float m_fBuyPrice8;        // 申买价8
 float m_fBuyVolume8;        // 申买量8
 float m_fSellPrice8;        // 申卖价8
 float m_fSellVolume8;        // 申卖量8
 float m_fBuyPrice9;        // 申买价9
 float m_fBuyVolume9;        // 申买量9
 float m_fSellPrice9;        // 申卖价9
 float m_fSellVolume9;        // 申卖量9
 float m_fBuyPrice10;        // 申买价10
 float m_fBuyVolume10;        // 申买量10
 float m_fSellPrice10;        // 申卖价10
 float m_fSellVolume10;       // 申卖量10

#pragma pack(pop)


[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-28 12:57:29编辑过]

--  作者:hshcompass
--  发布时间:2010/1/31 10:09:00
越来越人性化了 祝金字塔更上一层楼
--  作者:Likai
--  发布时间:2010/2/1 10:23:17
(1)可以实现TS2000i、Get -rt版 动态接收期货行情。
如果你有这一方面的需求,可以发邮件到:Kit998@189.cn 或者QQ=475049
(2)可以用VC、 VB等语言实现一个仅仅完成策略执行的最好效率算法。

--  作者:pel46585
--  发布时间:2010/2/1 22:12:26
--  作者:bhwhui
--  发布时间:2010/2/2 12:01:28







--  作者:bhwhui
--  发布时间:2010/2/2 12:05:08
--  作者:bhwhui
--  发布时间:2010/2/2 19:15:16





How to Create a Real-Time Data Adapter

This example shows how to create a Real-Time Data Adapter in Borland Delphi.  The steps involved are similar for other development tools.

The goal is to create a COM DLL library that implements the IWealthLabRT3 interface.  This interface will be available on the target system if you\'ve installed and executed Wealth-Lab Developer 3.0.

This example will duplicate the creation of the Medved QuoteTracker Real-Time Data Adapter that is included in the WLD installation.  In Delphi, we start by creating a new project of type ActiveX Library.  We save the project under the name QuoteTracker.dpr.  We next create a new Automation Object for the project, and name this QTAuto.  The resulting COM class name for our Adapter is QuoteTracker.QTAuto.

Delphi provides a COM type library editor that makes creating COM objects fairly painless.  The screen shot below shows that we\'ve selected to use the Wealth-Lab interfaces in our COM library project.





--  作者:bhwhui
--  发布时间:2010/2/2 20:22:09

顺便请管理员谈谈“Static Data Adapter”的实现思路。


以下仅仅是“Real-Time Adapter”的描述,接口函数很多,也请管理员谈谈思路。


Real-Time Adapter Structural Overview

Here\'s a brief overview of how your Real-Time Adapter should be structured.

  1. Implement the SupportsRequest method to let WLD know which type(s) of Real-Time Charts data your Adapter supports (if any).
  2. Implement the SupportsQuotes method to return true if your Adapter supports the Quotes interface.
  3. Implement the AssignConnectionStatus method.  Store the IWealthLabConnection3 instance in a local variable.  You can use this interface to communicate changes in communication status to WLD.
  4. Implement the GetSecurityName method to return the security name based on a symbol, or just a blank string if you don\'t have access to security names.
  5. If you are supporting the Real-Time Charts system ...
    1. Implement the OpenRequest method.  Within this method ...
      1. Save local copies of the parameters for later access, especially the instances of the IWealthLabBars3 and IWealthLabRTUpdate3 interfaces.
      2. Pre-fill the historical bars using the Add method of the IWealthLabBars3 instance.  Don\'t exceed NumBars.
      3. Create a thread, timer, socket, or whatever mechanism required to interface to the real-time feed.
    2. Whenever new data comes in from the real-time feed ...
      1. Build an Intraday bar, if required.  Some feeds provide data in the form of Intraday bars already, while some supply tick data streams only.
      2. Optionally call the UpdateGhostBar method of the IWealthLabRTUpdate3 instance to update the last bar of the chart if only a partial bar is available.
      3. Optionally call the UpdateBidAsk method of the IWealthLabRTUpdate3 instance to update new bid/ask data.
      4. When a new bar is ready ...
        1. Add the new bar(s) using the Add method of the IWealthLabRTUpdate3 instance.
        2. Notify the chart that a new bar(s) are available by calling the Update method of the IWealthLabRTUpdate3 instance.
    3. Implement the CloseRequest method to perform any required cleanup.
  6. If you are supporting the Quotes system ...
    1. Implement the AddSymbol method.  You\'ll receive multiple AddSymbol calls, so store the symbol in a list.
    2. Implement the RemoveSymbol method to remove a symbol that had been previously added.
    3. Implement the ClearSymbols method to clear all symbols from the list.
    4. Implement the ActivateQuotes method to create a thread, timer, socket, or whatever mechanism is required to obtain quote updated for the requested symbols.   Store the instance of the IWealthLabQuoteUpdate3 interface that is passed.
    5. Whenever a quote update for a symbol arrives, call the UpdateQuote method of the IWealthLabQuoteUpdate3 instance that you saved in step 4 above.
    6. Close the connection in the implementation of the DeactivateQuotes method.




--  作者:bhwhui
--  发布时间:2010/2/2 20:30:41
--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2010/2/4 1:53:16

